Monday, August 27, 2012

*knock knock knock* Penny

Big Bang Theory Anyone? Anyone?
That was the inspiration for our new kitty's name. :) 

For a while I have been wanting a pet to keep me company while Brian is away at work. Him and I have been debating on a dog or cat. He wanted a dog. And I wanted a cat. :) After lots of talking and convincing...He said I could get a cat. (Yippee!!!) So I set out to searching for the right one. There's a site you can go to and look for stuff you need. Its kind of like a local  ebay/craigslist kind of site. You post items you want to sell, and if someone wants it, you meet up for it. Its very nice and can get addicting. lol And yes people sell all kinds of pets on there too. From cats and dogs, to sugar gliders and turtles. Awesome right!?! I emailed lots of people for information about kittens being sold. Asking for pictures, boy or girl, shots n what not. After a few we decided on one. :D It was a batch of 4, 2 girls 2 boys. the girls were black and white, and the boys all black. The pictures showed how adorable they were. and we ( I ) was hooked. The day we got her, we also got a look at her mom. a Siamese. Which was a shock. lol she looks NOTHING like her mamma. I knew i was in for a treat. 
Let me tell you, just like in Lady and the Tramp, those two Siamese cats, she is just as mischievousness. And I already love her so very much. Picture time!! 
(please hold your aww's till the end) 

 (She bites her toes and chases her tail. Normal right?)
 (look at that pink nose of hers!)

 (She's so happy!)

 (Yeah she sleeps like a freak. lol)
 (Hahaha I woke her up)
 (So Tiny!)
(This is a rare thing)

And so that is Penny! Every day is a trip. lol Between her spastic moments and her long naps, there are so many photo opportunities! Tho when she is playing she rarely holds still long enough. lol I look forward to many many interesting and exciting days with her. :) 

I'll keep checking in with info on her as she grows up. 
Thanks for reading!
Nikki P


kelly elizabeth said...

love her so much!!

Rachel said...

So pretty! My husband and I just got two kittens yesterday--I do think kittens are the pretties animals out there. Ours are still getting used to us...

Unknown said...

Oh awesome! I hope you have fun with them! They can be a bit of a handful with all their energy. lol