Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Day Nail Challenge. Day 11: POLKa dots.

It has been a busy couple days. I tell ya... One of our friends here left for deployment and he was gonna stay here the night before. We weren't really too sure WHEN he'd come over so my husband and i went on a crazy cleaning spree. Practically the whole house. Once we were able to sit down and relax, we find out he wont be coming till around 11 at night. *sigh* At least we have a super clean house now. :D
(and his car for 6 months. My car for that time. Hehehe)
Well that along with other things i wont get into, cut into my blogging time. *tear i know*
Luckily for my nails, I snapped a pic of them before i headed off to do some work. Phew. lol

And so FINALLY showing you the recent days mani's...
Ma Polka Dots!! 

So lovely. They make me think of lady bugs...
which i almost did for my red nails.. :)
The Lineup once again for the month so you dont have to search through recent posts to figure it out.

Tomorrow STRIPES

Thanks all,
Nikki P

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