Monday, May 21, 2012

New Hair color


I had been trying to dye my hair a lighter brown. I originally have a medium brown hue, and I've never tried lighter. So I finally did. But....because I have a very slight red tint, instead of going light brown, it turned well, more red. Sooooo I tried again much later. Just reddish again. 
I told myself, "ok ok I'll just grow it out." 
And so I waited.
 And waited. 
Annnnd waited. 
I'm here in Japan and I was noticing my roots coming in. Not On My Watch!
Hair dye to the rescue! 
I decided to go back to my roots. Brown that is. So I went medium dark brown. My wonderful husband whom has never dyed any ones hair, did mine. Both of us were nervous about that...but he did great!! After I washed, and dried my hair, I came into the living room to reveal my color. BEAUTIFUL! 
I love it. :) 
Here are the differences...
Yeahhh...quite a difference. I still Love it! :)

P.S. I'm thinking of adding an under layer of blue or purple or like a red/pink. We'll see. Stay tuned!!

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